The kidneys are the main regulation and excretion organs. The main function of the kidneys is to filter blood and expel excess waste and water.

In one-kidney patients who have had a kidney removed due to a tumor, kidney function may be impaired. As a result, the opposite kidney has to work twice as much. It is recommended that these patients follow an adequate nutrition program even during the administration of specific oncology medical therapy. Nutritional indications should be tailored to each patient, based on kidney function which is verified with specific examinations and evaluated by your doctor. We provide some advice on the type of diet to follow, which macronutrients (carbohydrates, lipids and proteins) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) to consume so as not to further compromise the functionality of the kidney.

You need to check:


Protein content should be carefully evaluated based on the level of kidney failure. The doctor will indicate the amount of protein in grams that the patient should take daily. Proteins are mainly found in meat, fish, dairy products, eggs, legumes, tofu, but also in nuts, cereals, seeds and vegetables. Proteins are often present in food and it is necessary to calculate their intake properly, so as not to risk an excess.

If kidney function is impaired, it is recommended to keep sodium intake under control. Sodium level must be balanced. As sodium is contained in many processed foods, we should reduce the salt added to food while cooking and after. We should decrease the consumption of all canned, processed or salted foods.

In the event of a kidney failure, potassium content must also be controlled, so as not to increase excessively the levels of this microelement in the blood. According to LARN (Nutrient Reference Intake Levels) the recommended intake level is 3.9 g/day for healthy adults. Depending on the degree of kidney failure and potassium levels, your doctor will suggest the correct level of potassium intake. Potassium is found in many foods, but vegetables and fruits are mainly the main sources. The potassium content in food is greatly reduced when food is cut into small pieces and cooked in abundant liquid which becomes rich in potassium. Steam cooking, microwave and pressure cooker keep potassium content reasonably unchanged. It is not the same if you cook in water.

With regard to phosphorus intake, LARN recommends 700 mg/day for the healthy adult population.  Regarding kidney cancer patients, it is necessary to evaluate each individual to determine the correct daily dose of potassium intake. The highest concentrations are found in cereal seeds (11 mg/g in wheat germ) and legumes (3 to 6 mg/g). Other sources of phosphorus are eggs, white meat, fish, cereals (about 1-2 mg/g), milk (about 0.9 mg/g) and vegetables (0.4 – 0.7 mg/g).